

Define the right recruitment strategy based on your own brand KPI's and objectives. Build a recruitment list with potential partners and contact and invite them to your program.

publisher activation


The next step is to get them active on your program so that they start driving traffic and conversions. Onboarding guides, communication and support are vital in this step.

affiliate program optimisation


Based on the data the program can be optimised. Traffic to conversions, which assets works the best, product focus , increase AoV, optimise commission structure, exposure packages.

Affiliate program quick scans
Affiliate Program Growth Opportunities

Affiliate Audit

An Affiliate program audit is a great way for businesses to increase their sales and profit potential. An audit quickly analyzes the performance of your affiliate program and identifies potential opportunities for improvement.

The affiliate health check is a great tool for improving the success of any business’s affiliate marketing efforts.

Manage & Grow your affiliate program

On freelance bases I can manage and grow your current (international) affiliate programs. In my +20 years of affiliate marketing experience, I worked with brands like Dell, Apple, iTunes, Expedia,, eBookers, Philips, eBay and Nike.

Affiliate strategy

What is your recruitment strategy, full funnel or upper funnel? and have you implemented a competitive commission strategy? I will define the best affiliate strategy with the three step approach : Recruit, Activate & Optimise as basis.

Affiliate Masterclass

Let me train your digital marketing and affiliate team about all the opportunities affiliate marketing can bring to your brand or website. From the basics, publisher types to the different technical possibilities to remunerate and attribute correctly.

Affiliate program audit

Let me audit your current affiliate program & strategy and find growth opportunities. I will look at technical settings, commission strategy, partner & publisher mix, program terms & conditions and will provide an actionable optimisation strategy.

Platform migration

Sometimes it is better for a program to move affiliate network / platform. This is often due to technical limitations of a platform. I have migrated dozens of affiliate programs without loosing the sales driving publishers due to a structured communication plan.

Technical implementation strategy

Have you implemented a cookie freeze, attribution model, deduplication model, unique voucher code tracking? Do you know the options of cookie less tracking and are you tracking all your mobile and app conversions within your affiliate program?

Affiliate Marketing
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Program Migrations
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Platform & Network experience

During my +20 years of affiliate experience I worked with most affiliate networks and platforms and with all top publishers in Europe.


Rocking the affiliate stage since 2002